2024/11/28 13:25
pre-meeting call
2024/11/07 13:08
2024/11/23 18:14
7827,7 KB
2024/11/27 6:43
7809,1 KB
Ambient IoT tdoc sorting_r1.doc
2024/11/12 20:38
715 KB
Ambient IoT tdoc sorting_r2.doc
2024/11/13 10:13
723 KB
Ambient IoT tdoc sorting_r3.doc
2024/11/14 16:32
746 KB
draft S2-2412488 was 12126 Key Issue 1 Conclusion update to address the ENs.docx
2024/11/20 19:34
347,3 KB
draft S2-2412512 was 12129 KI3 Conclusion on Support of Ambient IoT Services.docx
2024/11/20 23:43
200,4 KB
draft S2-2412546 was 2488 was 12126 Key Issue 1 Conclusion update to address the ENs.docx
2024/11/21 23:14
345,8 KB
draft S2-2412554 was S2-2412511 was S2-2412127 Key Issue 2, clarify subscription management and how to locate the authentication server.docx
2024/11/21 23:58
98,1 KB
draft S2-2412768 was 2767 was 2512 was 12129 KI3 Conclusion on Support of Ambient IoT Services.docx
2024/11/21 23:43
201,9 KB
draft S2-241xxxx was 12129 KI3 Conclusion on Support of Ambient IoT Services.docx
2024/11/20 23:42
200,4 KB
Draft-S2-2412509-Update for general conclusions of Key Issue 1-r01.docx
2024/11/20 20:28
63,2 KB
draftS2-2413017_was11530_Cover sheet for presentation of TR 23_700-13 to TSG SA for Information.docx
2024/11/22 20:05
66,3 KB
draft_r01_S2-2412513_was_S2-2412049_pCR conclusions for KI#3.docx
2024/11/20 19:49
43,2 KB
draft_r01_S2-2412549_was12505_23700-13_Add Conclusion on UE Reader in Topology 2.docx
2024/11/21 23:47
43,4 KB
draft_r02_S2-2412513_was_S2-2412049_pCR conclusions for KI#3.docx
2024/11/20 20:58
43,7 KB
draft_S2-2412505_was11902_23700-13_Add Conclusion on UE Reader in Topology 2.docx
2024/11/21 0:04
43,4 KB
draft_S2-2412513_was_S2-2412049_pCR conclusions for KI#3.docx
2024/11/20 19:20
43,3 KB
draft_S2-2412549_was12505_23700-13_Add Conclusion on UE Reader in Topology 2.docx
2024/11/21 23:36
43,4 KB
2024/11/20 20:26
486,2 KB
S2-2412506_was11526_update on conclusion_K1_r01.doc
2024/11/20 19:28
48 KB
S2-2412506_was11526_update on conclusion_K1_r02.doc
2024/11/21 3:52
48,5 KB
S2-2412507 was11769_R19 AIoT_KI#1 Conclusions on assistance info to Reader.docx
2024/11/20 16:18
53,1 KB
S2-2412508 was S2-2412297-Conclusion for KI#1 general part-- reader selection.docx
2024/11/20 17:39
63,4 KB
S2-2412514_was11666_23700_13_KI#3_Conclusion_AIoT Services supported by 5GC.docx
2024/11/20 21:14
114,5 KB
S2-2412514_was11666_23700_13_KI#3_Conclusion_AIoT Services supported by 5GC_v1.docx
2024/11/20 21:26
114,7 KB
S2-2412515 was12125 LSout inform SA2 progress on AIoT conclusion.docx
2024/11/21 6:35
27,9 KB
S2-2412515 was12125 LSout inform SA2 progress on AIoT conclusion_NK.docx
2024/11/21 17:37
32,2 KB
S2-2412516 was12128 R19 AIOT WID-r2.docx
2024/11/21 6:53
39 KB
S2-2412552 was S2-2412508 was S2-2412297-Conclusion for KI#1 -- reader selection.docx
2024/11/21 16:20
64,3 KB
2024/11/22 13:35
386,6 KB
2024/11/22 13:35
26 KB
S2-2412957_SA2#166 and SA#106 FS_AmbientIoT StatusReport_v1.pptx
2024/11/27 3:29
474,8 KB
S2-2412957_SA2#166 and SA#106 FS_AmbientIoT StatusReport_v2.pptx
2024/11/28 1:11
474,8 KB
S2-2412xxx_SA2#166 and SA#106 FS_AmbientIoT StatusReport_v0.pptx
2024/11/25 14:58
474,6 KB
S2-241xxxx was S2-2412127 Key Issue 2, clarify subscription management and how to locate the authentication server.docx
2024/11/21 12:47
98,3 KB
S2-241xxxx_was12514_was11666_23700_13_KI#3_Conclusion_AIoT Services supported by 5GC_v1.docx
2024/11/21 19:05
115,3 KB
Way Forward on Ambient IoT study conclusions - 20241118.pptx
2024/11/19 12:46
81,5 KB